Baytril For Cats

Baytril For Cats

Baytril 10% is reserve for use in New Zealand for the following indications only: Bacterial infections of bones in pigs and cattle Mastitis in cows where the causative organisms have been established to be either E.coli or Pseudomonas strains sensitive to enrofloxacin. Appropriate intramammary treatment with another antibiotic can be used in combination with systemic Baytril treatment. Baytril For Cats , What Is Baytril, baytril dosing chart, baytril otic

Infection of the (male) reproductive tract (prostatitis, vesiculitis, orchitis) in the bull.
Certain infections of cattle and pigs in locations where poor tissue penetration by other antimicrobial drugs can be expected and where the condition is cause by a susceptible organism which does not respond readily to other antibiotics.

Indiscriminate use of antibiotics may lead to the development of resistance. Baytril should not be use for routine preventive purposes and should be use in individual animals in line with the above recommendations. Treatment of groups of food producing animals is only recommend when culture and sensitivity testing indicate Baytril is the only product likely to be effective. Susceptibility testing is recommend where feasible.

For s/c injection in cattle and i/m injection in pigs.
CATTLE and PIGS: Standard dose rate 2.5mL/100kg b.w/day for 3 days.
Severe respiratory infections: 5.0mL/100kg b.w/day for 3 days.

Withholding Times:
MEAT: Cattle and pigs producing meat and offal for human consumption must not be sold for slaughter either during treatment or within 7 days of the last treatment. MILK: Milk intend for sale for human consumption must be discard during treatment and for 7 days, 14 milkings (168 hours) following the last treatment.

Can develop resistance, speed, power, strength, long-term endurance for long races with the new muscle fibers generated with the specific training, plus the growth hormone generates a strong lipolytic effect in the process, and transforms stored energy into form of fatty tissue in substantially potent muscle tissue.

EGH 300 is a product specially designe for racehorses and horses.

Presentation: flucare injection  20ml

20 ml  and 50 ml

Doses :
(IM only )

a) Horse and camel – Dose of attack : 4 ml twice a Week , only the first Week

b) Horse and camel – Regular dose: use at least 2 months, applying 2 ml twice a Week.

c) Horse and camel –  to train resistance and endurance: use at least 4 months, applying 2 ml twice a Week.

d) Horse and camel – to train strength and explosion: use at least 6 weeks, applying 2 ml “three” times a week.

e) Horse and camel –  dose to train final speed:

  • apply the first 2 weeks :  2 ml twice a Week
  • apply the 3rd and 4th week: 3 ml twice a Week
  • apply the week 5 and 6: 4 ml twice a Week
  • apply the 7th and 8th week: 3 ml twice a Week
  • apply the 9th and 10th week: 2 ml twice a Week
  • apply the 11th and 12th week: 1 ml twice a Week

f) Dogs : 1ml twice a Week

g)  hawks & Falcons : 0,1 ml twice a Week.

Antidoping: flucare injection  20ml

Not easily detect. therefore it ´s usually use in the competitive field versus anabolic steroids (that are easily detect).

But It´s a product that can be detect in test, it´s not advisable to use it close to the race.

The good thing is that the muscle fiber gain can be maintain and increase over the years regardless of the suspension of Growth Hormone.. its use is for long periods of time and does not have quick and visible gains to use it close a race,  for that reason it ´s recommended to use in training stage. Baytril For Cats , What Is Baytril, baytril dosing chart, baytril otic

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