which is produced using a human growth hormone gene, zomacton 5 mg price binds to cells in the body at the same binding site where growth hormone would normally bind. The medication then works to imitate the actions of growth hormone, stimulating a variety of cellular activities. For example, it mediates glucose and fat metabolism and it regulates proteins that speed up muscle and skin growth and lengthen the bones in growing children. Growth hormone deficiency: Zomactoncan be use to treat slow growth or inadequate growth due to a deficiency of naturally produced growth hormone. Turner syndrome: It is used for treating children who are shorter than expected due to Turner syndrome . This syndrome is a chromosomal defect in which girls have only one X chromosome instead of two X chromosomes. Girls who have Turner syndrome experience slow development and other developmental issues, such as delayed puberty and infertility or diminished fertility. Short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency: SHOX is a genetic condition in which a mutation on the X or Y chromosome results in developmental problems. It can affect boys or girls. Small size at birth: Zomactonis approve for treating children who are short in stature because they were born small for gestational age (SGA) and didn’t catch-up on their growth by the age of …
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