equipoise for horses
Equipoise is a fairly powerful, injectable steroid that can be used in both bulking and cutting cycles. Gains while running Equipoise will be slow and steady and will be quality lean mass gains. This steroid is well-tolerated by most men. In addition, women can enjoy Equipoise with minimal side effects. equipoise for horses
The effects of the drug are enhanced by the ether Undecylenate, which is in the blood for about three weeks. Most users will split the dosages in half and administer on Monday and Thursday of every week. The half-life of this steroid is around fourteen days, providing a slower release and activity of the hormone.
Dosages and Cycle Lengths of Equipoise
For men, the dosage of Equipoise relies upon their state of being, involvement in Steroids Injections, and the extreme objectives. In bodybuilding athletics, beginner Equipoise dosages are generally in the range of 300 – 500mg per week, followed by 500 – 700mg per week for intermediate dosages. Equipoise dosages are usually very similar to Testosterone and going higher than the intermediate range is extremely rare, especially when the user is stacking Equipoise alongside other compounds within a cycle. Typically, women dose between 50-100mg per week.
Equipoise® is the last precursor to the prized anabolic “Boldenone” and uses two unique pathways to convert in the body. This naturally occurring compound is a direct precursor to Boldenone. Equipoise® is based upon the novel compound 3β-Hydroxy-1,4-androstadien-17-one undecanoate (1,4 ANDRO), which is an extremely effective aid for increasing receptor activation and initiating the muscle tissue rebuilding process that yields solid gains in lean muscle mass.
The 1,4 ANDRO found in Equipoise® produces a dramatically high level of bioavailability with a majority of the chemical passing through the liver without being deactivate by 17-ketosteroid. Further enhancing this ability is the use of Cyclosome Technology which also dramatically increases the potential for much higher levels of ingredients reaching the bloodstream without destruction in the upper gut. equipoise for horses