Buta finel compuesto
In lesions of the spinal column due to paralysis that occurs in postpartum cows due to root nerve compressions neighboring the intervertebral discs. DOSE: Cattle: 20 to 30 mL per day. Horses: From 5 to 10 mL / 450 kg of body weight every 24 hours. Goats, sheep and pigs: 10 mL every 24 hours. Canines and felines: Do not exceed 4 mL / animal / day, in canines limit it to 2 consecutive days intravenously and continue with oral Butaphenyl powder. Equine Joint Supplement Buta finel compuesto
USE IN: Bovines, Equines , Sheep, Goats, Swine, Canines and Felines
ROUTE OF ADMINISTRATION: Intravenous (slowly).
PRECAUTIONS: Intravenous application should be administered slowly. Do not use more than five consecutive days.
WARNINGS: Do not consume the meat of treated animals until 8 days after the last application. The milk of the treated animals can be consumed up to 48 hours after the last application. Do not administer in animals with cardiac, renal, hepatic or hematological damages. Do not administer to equines intended for human consumption. Equine Joint Supplement
It contains phenylbutazone, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pyrazolone derivative. Its analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory action is associated with metabolites that inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandins. It is the treatment indicated for arthritis pain and pain caused by muscular disorders. It is prescribed so that the horse remains active and achieves maximum performance when conducting activities or in sport competitions: races, jumping, rodeo riding and polo. Equine Joint
Buta-FenilCompuesto100ml – Tornel ,buta-fenil,joint, ligaments, muscles, musculoskeletal, synovial, tendon, tornel
La sustancia activa de este producto es la fenilbutazona que es un derivado pirazolónico, antiinflamatorio no esteroide, su mecanismo de acción es como inhibidor de la síntesis de prostaglandinas. Está indicado en el tratamiento contra los dolores articulares, así como los causados por lesiones musculares. Cuando se aplica permite al canino desarrollar su máximo rendimiento ya sea en el entrenamiento o durante las competencias deportivas. BUTAFENIL
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Distribuidora de medicamentos veterinarios en México
Grupo LoVet es la distribuidora de medicamentos veterinarios en México que basa su modelo de distribución en las prestaciones que nos otorga la tecnología disponible en la actualidad.
Butafenil Compuesto100 ml
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Medicamento, analgésico, antipirético y antiinflamatorio de gran potencia. Indicado en el tratamiento de procesos reumáticos artritis y afecciones musculoesqueléticas.
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