Buy ACE-Phedex online
ACE-PHEDEX IS 100ml Phenylbutazone is contained in this formulation micrograms Acetate dexamethasone is a kind of Benzyl Alcohol………………….0.01ml QS Disodium Edetate…………….0.04mg Excipient 1,000 milliliters
Anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, and analgesic properties. Buy ACE-Phedex online usa, Order ACE-Phedex near me Maine, ACE-Phedex for sale. Best place to buy ACE-ACE-Phedex, How to use ACE-Phedex. Where to order ACE-Phedex, cheap ACE-Phedex, what is ACE-Phedex, Order ACE-Phedex online without prsecription, ACE-Phedex for bodybuilding.
ACE-PHEDEX IS 100ml Phenylbutazone is containe in this formulation micrograms Acetate dexamethasone is a kind of Benzyl Alcohol………………….0.01ml QS Disodium Edetate…………….0.04mg Excipient 1,000 milliliters
Anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, and analgesic properties. This product is not intended for human consumption. The expiration date is written on the inside of the bottle.
Vietnamese product. ACE-PHEDEX
- Ace-Phedex | 100ml for Animals.
- Phenylbutazone…………………180mg.
- Dexamethasone Acetate…….0.35mg.
- Benzyl Alcohol…………………..0.01ml.
- Disodium Edetate……………..0.04mg
- Excipient QS…………1ml.
- Anti-Inflammatory, Antipyretic And Analgesic.
- Not for Human Consumption.
- Expiry Date is printed on the inside bottle. ACE-PHEDEX
- Imported from Vietnam.
Dosage And Administration:
By Intramuscular:
- Horses: 20ml/ Day Only.
- Foals: 6 – 10ml Repeat 24 – 48 Hours Later Depending On The Severity Of Symptoms.
- Dogs: 1ml Per 15kg Body Weight. Buy ACE-Phedex online usa, Order ACE-Phedex near me Maine, ACE-Phedex for sale. Best place to buy ACE-ACE-Phedex, How to use ACE-Phedex. Where to order ACE-Phedex, cheap ACE-Phedex, what is ACE-Phedex, Order ACE-Phedex online without prsecription, ACE-Phedex for bodybuilding.
Storage: Store In Shade And Dry Place. Temperature Below 30°C
In horses, administer 1 ml of the product for every 45 kg of live weight, which corresponds to 1.1 mg of Flunixin Meglumine, to relieve pain associate with colic/endotoxemia. Precautions and Warnings: Doses greater than 10 ml of the product should divide into two or more application points. Respect the indications for dose and duration of treatment.
Do not apply intra-arterially. Obey the product’s storage instructions. Use sterile syringes and needles, observing good asepsis practices. Apply with caution to animals with gastrointestinal ulceration or pre-existing renal, hepatic or hematological disorders. It is recommend to avoid or apply the drug to pregnant females with maximum precaution and supervision by the Veterinarian. If an allergic reaction occurs, discontinue administration of the product immediately.
Do not store the product near food, beverages, other medications, personal or household hygiene products. Avoid smoking or eating while handling. Do not wash empty containers or throw them into rivers or springs. Do not reuse empty packaging, which must be destroye by inciretion. Wash hands after handling. The drug must be use under the guidance of a Veterinarian. Side effects. Buy ACE-Phedex online usa, Order ACE-Phedex near me Maine, ACE-Phedex for sale. Best place to buy ACE-ACE-Phedex, How to use ACE-Phedex. Where to order ACE-Phedex, cheap ACE-Phedex, what is ACE-Phedex, Order ACE-Phedex online without prsecription, ACE-Phedex for bodybuilding.
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