
Equipalazone injetavel

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $40.00.

After the initial treatment, the dose may be reduced to 2.2 mg/kg for ongoing treatment if required.
It is crucial that IV administration is done under veterinary supervision to avoid complications, such as irritation at the injection site or more serious side effects.

Equipalazone injetavel

For competition horses: Phenylbutazone is a banned substance in many equestrian sports, so horses treated with Equipalazone need a sufficient withdrawal period before participating in events to ensure compliance with anti-doping regulations. Equipalazone injetavel

Para terapia de muitas formas de inflamação aguda do sistema muscoloesquelético incluindo as lesões traumáticas assim como para o tratamento de longo prazo de inflamações crônicas de tecidos moles e duros. Para as analgesias em condições dolorosas incluindo-se a dor visceral e para a redução da temperatura nos quadros febris de etiologia variada. Equipalazone injetavel

Equinos: artrites bursites contusões estiramentos luxações miosites nevrites processos reumáticos osteoartrites osteites tendinites e estados febris. Nas cólicas agudas de qualquer naturezapara rápida redução da dor e prevenção de lesões mais graves consequentes a manifestaçãoda dor tais como quedas e choques. Além de facilitar outros procedimentos clínicos com o desaparecimento ou redução da dor.

Cães: Processos inflamatórios agudos e crônicos dos tecidos moles e duros traumatismos feridas cirúrgicas e condições febris.


Eqüinos : 1 a 2 mL (22 a 44 mg/Kg) para cada 100 kg de peso vivo exclusivamente por via intravenosa lenta a cada 24 horas ou 48 horas. Equipalazone injetavel

Cães: 1 mL (12 mg/Kg) para cada 15 kg de massa corporal por via intravenosa lenta diariamente por 5 dias consecutivos.

Não exceder a dose massa máxima diária de 800 mg para cães e 4g para equinos.
As doses poderão ser ainda modificadas conforme a gravidade do caso e a critério do Médico Veterinário.


Aplicar via intravenosa.

Preferir as injeções intravenosas à administração intramuscular pois a fenilbutazona pode causar irritação no local da aplicação.
Injetar lentamente por via intravenosa na razão de 10nL a cada 30 segundos.
Existem riscos potenciais de interações medicamentosas quando se combina fenilbutazona com agentes antiinflamatórios não-esteróides. Equipalazone injetavel

Equipalazone injetavel is a veterinary drug containing the active ingredient phenylbutazone, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) commonly used for pain relief, inflammation control, and fever reduction in horses. It is used primarily for musculoskeletal conditions, such as lameness, joint problems, and arthritis, and also for reducing pain and inflammation after surgery or injury.

Key Uses of Equipalazone Injectable:
Pain Relief: Primarily for horses experiencing pain due to conditions like arthritis, laminitis, tendonitis, or soft tissue injuries.
Anti-inflammatory: It reduces inflammation associated with joint issues, muscle problems, and tendon/ligament damage. Equipalazone injetavel
Fever Reduction: May be used to reduce fever in certain conditions.
Post-Surgical Care: Helps manage pain and inflammation after surgical procedures.
Administration and Dosage:
Equipalazone Injectable is generally administered intravenously (IV) by a veterinarian. This allows for fast-acting relief, as the medication is absorbed quickly into the bloodstream.
The dosage is usually based on the horse’s weight and the severity of the condition.
Typical Dosage:
Initial Dose: 4.4 mg/kg body weight intravenously (IV).
After the initial treatment, the dose may be reduced to 2.2 mg/kg for ongoing treatment if required.
It is crucial that IV administration is done under veterinary supervision to avoid complications, such as irritation at the injection site or more serious side effects.


Kidney and Liver Health: Prolonged use can cause kidney or liver damage, so monitoring is essential, especially in horses with pre-existing conditions. Equipalazone injetavel
Gastrointestinal Issues: Like other NSAIDs, it can increase the risk of ulcers or colic with prolonged or high-dose usage.
Dehydration: Horses should be well-hydrated during treatment to reduce the risk of kidney damage.
Potential Side Effects:
Gastrointestinal ulcers: Prolonged use can lead to stomach ulcers.
Kidney damage: Overuse or use in dehydrated horses may affect kidney function.
Liver toxicity: In rare cases, long-term use may cause liver damage.
Injection site reactions: Possible irritation or swelling at the site of injection.
Blood disorders: Prolonged use can affect blood cell production.
Should not be used in horses with known hypersensitivity to phenylbutazone. Equipalazone injetavel
Avoid use in horses with renal (kidney) or hepatic (liver) dysfunction without close veterinary supervision.
Not recommended for use in pregnant or lactating mares without consulting a veterinarian.
Important Notes:
Long-term use should be carefully monitored by a veterinarian.
Equipalazone is often used as part of a broader treatment plan, and combining it with other drugs may require adjustments to avoid adverse interactions.


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