vitamina 5500

vitamina 5500

In cases of pernicious anemia, as a stimulant of appetite, in the presence of vitamin deficiencies, to maintain the normal functioning of the nervous system, in states of tension or stress, when there are abrupt changes in temperature, environment or food. vitamina 5500

Super Vitamina B12 5500 DOSE:
COCKROWS: 0.5 mL HORSES: 5 ml CATTLE AND PORCINE: 2-5 ml CANINS AND FELINE: 0.5-1 ml. The application can be repeated in two or three weeks.

Due to its high concentration of vitamin B12 and the complex formulation that includes vitamin B15 (pangamic acid sodium salt), this drug delays tiredness and fatigue, fighting toxic muscular hypoxemia by producing better oxygenation. This product is indicated for preparing fighting roosters and race horses and dogs for the competition. Thanks to biotin, molting is accelerated in birds, and, in horses, it helps maintaining the health of coat, mane and hoof

B12 5500 super vitamina

Each ml contains: Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12) 2.500 mg. Hydroxycobolamin 3,000 mcg. Vitamin B15 1,250 mcg. Biothine (Vitamin H) 50 mcg. Liver Extract 4% (V/V) Vehicle c.b.p. 1 ml.

SUPER VITAMINA B12 5500 formula is reinforced with liver extract which gives a direct influence on reproductive and cellular renovating processes. This product has to do with proteins synthesis and acts directly in order to form red corpuscles. It is very useful against classic, pernicious and nourishing anemia. It is a good appetite stimulant and this is the reason why it helps growth. Vitamin B15 presence is a coadjuvant in order to retard tiredness and muscular fatigue due to the fact that it fights muscular toxic hypoxemia by producing more oxygenation.



Birds of combat: 0.5 ml.

Horses: 5 ml.

Cattle, sheep, goats and pigs: 2-5 ml.

Canines and felines: 0.5 to 1 ml.

Ostriches 3-6 months: 0.5 to 1.5 ml intramuscularly.

Ostriches 6 months and older: 1.5 to 4 ml intramuscularly.

The application can be repeate in two or three days.

ADMINISTRATION: Intramuscular, intravenous or subcutaneous.

SUPER VITAMINA B12 5500 formula is reinforce with liver extract which gives a direct influence on reproductive and cellular renovating processes. This product has to do with proteins synthesis and acts directly in order to form red corpuscles. It is very useful against classic, pernicious and nourishing anemia. It is a good appetite stimulant and this is the reason why it helps growth. Vitamin B15 presence is a coadjuvant in order to retard tiredness and muscular fatigue due to the fact that it fights muscular toxic hypoxemia by producing more oxygenation. super vitamina b12 5500 para gallos


Store in cool, dry place.

Keep out of reach of children.

Presentation: 30 ml And 100 ml Flasks, super vitamina b12 5500

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