Superfecta Vitamins For Horses
Horses need vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and K for optimal health. The quantities needed are small, but the effects are important. For some vitamins, too much in the horse’s diet is just as bad as too little. Superfecta Vitamins For Horses
What is the role of vitamins in racing horses?
Vitamins are required by the horse for growth, tissue maintenance, body function, and optimum athletic performance. Vitamins are classified as either fat-soluble or water-soluble.
For Horses & Cattle (all classes), Donkeys, Mules, Sheep, Goats, Alpacas, Lhamas and other Camilids (all classes)- The RED CAL supplement is a formulation and combination of calcium, micro-nutrients and herbs to help keep your horse healthy. RED CAL is one of the components of Dr. Dan’s “Feed For Success” program. Red Cal features the prized ingredient, MONTMORILLONITE CLAY- a rich source of minerals and other trace elements. Often referred to as “living clay” because it consists of minerals that enhance the production of enzymes in all living organisms.
Red Cal is fed FREE CHOICE, so it’s easy. Although you let them eat all they want, its economical too!
Typically a 22.5 pound bag will last from 80-180 days for one horse, but will vary depending upon the individual needs. Buying our bulk packages will make your per-day, per-horse investment even less!
Did you know that salt & mineral content and quality varies greatly?
Unlike most, RED-CAL is not bleached, kiln dried, heated, or altered with chemicals or pollutants, its balanced by nature, not by man and its natural source is the desert- an ancient sea bed, not the likely to be contaminated ocean. And since it comes from a desert that millions of years ago used to be the ocean, the micronutrients are “naturally chelated” with organic matter…there’s just nothing else like it!