
Diakur Plus

Original price was: $40.00.Current price is: $30.00.

Diakur Plus is a water-soluble powder that helps in rehydration by providing essential electrolytes, energy, and nutrients. It’s formulated to support animals that are experiencing diarrhea or other stress-related digestive issues.

Diakur Plus

4. How to Administer Diakur Plus:
Dosage: The typical dose is mixed with water and administered orally. For a 100g packet, it can be mixed into warm water as directed by the product label or a veterinarian, usually between 2-4 liters of water.
Frequency: It is often given two to three times per day during periods of illness or diarrhea. The exact frequency depends on the severity of dehydration or digestive upset.
Method: The solution is administered via a feeding bottle, drenching gun, or by mixing into milk or milk replacer for young animals.
5. Benefits:
Quick Rehydration: By providing both electrolytes and energy, Diakur Plus helps animals quickly recover from the effects of dehydration.
Easy to Mix and Administer: The product dissolves easily in water and is palatable to animals, making it a simple and effective treatment option.
Supports Gut Health: The prebiotic components aid in balancing the gut microflora, improving overall digestive health and helping to prevent future occurrences of diarrhea.
Cost-effective: The 100g size provides an affordable treatment option for multiple doses, depending on the animal’s size and condition.

Side Effects and Precautions:

Overdosage: Using too much of the product could lead to an excess intake of electrolytes, so it’s important to follow dosing instructions carefully.
Concurrent Use with Milk: While Diakur Plus can be administered with milk or milk replacer, in some cases, it may be better to administer it separately to ensure the animal gets the full benefit of the electrolytes and binding agents.
Monitoring: Always monitor animals for improvement or worsening symptoms. If diarrhea persists for more than a few days or dehydration becomes severe, veterinary attention is required.
7. Availability and Packaging:
Packaging: Diakur Plus is available in 100g packets, and sometimes in larger bulk quantities for farms with larger herds.
Where to Buy: It is commonly available from veterinary supply stores, agricultural stores, and online retailers that specialize in livestock care products.
8. Precautions:
Consult a Veterinarian: Always seek veterinary advice if an animal’s condition is severe or persists, as diarrhea can be a sign of more serious health issues like bacterial or viral infections.
Not a Sole Treatment: While Diakur Plus is effective for rehydration and electrolyte replacement, it may not address the underlying cause of diarrhea, such as bacterial or viral infections. Therefore, it is often used in conjunction with other veterinary treatments.


Diakur Plus 100g is a valuable tool for farmers and veterinarians to help manage dehydration and electrolyte imbalances in calves and other livestock experiencing digestive disturbances. Its ability to restore hydration, replace electrolytes, provide energy, and support gut health makes it an effective treatment for diarrhea and related conditions. However, its use should be monitored, and veterinary advice is crucial in cases of persistent or severe illness.

Diakur Plus

Diakur Plus is an oral rehydration supplement commonly used for calves and other livestock to support digestive health, rehydration, and electrolyte balance, particularly in cases of diarrhea (scours) or digestive upset. Here’s a detailed account of what you need to know about Diakur Plus 100g:

1. What is Diakur Plus?
Diakur Plus is a water-soluble powder that helps in rehydration by providing essential electrolytes, energy, and nutrients. It’s formulated to support animals that are experiencing diarrhea or other stress-related digestive issues. It is easy to administer and palatable to animals, encouraging intake.

2. Active Ingredients:
Electrolytes: Sodium, potassium, and chloride are included to replenish vital electrolytes lost through diarrhea and dehydration.
Energy Source: It contains readily digestible carbohydrates (dextrose) to provide energy and support recovery.
Prebiotics: These help support the gut’s natural flora and improve overall digestive health.
Binding Agents: These help manage diarrhea by absorbing excess water in the intestines, leading to more formed stools.

Uses of Diakur Plus:

Rehydration: The product is designed to prevent and treat dehydration, especially in young animals like calves, lambs, or piglets suffering from scours (diarrhea).
Electrolyte Replacement: Diakur Plus helps restore electrolyte balance, which is critical for maintaining normal physiological functions in animals experiencing digestive disturbances.
Support for Digestive Health: The prebiotic components in the formula encourage the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut, promoting recovery and reducing the severity and duration of diarrhea.
Energy Support: The inclusion of carbohydrates provides animals with an energy source, which is essential during periods of illness or stress.


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