
Buy Injectable Naquasone Online

Original price was: $45.00.Current price is: $40.00.

NAQUASONE injectable solution contains trichlormethiazide USP, and dexamethasone acetate USP. It combines the effective diuretic activity of trichlormethiazide with the specific anti-inflammatory activity of dexamethasone for complementary action in the reduction of physiological inflammatory edematous conditions of the equine, and in the reduction of physiological parturient edema of the mammary gland and associated structures of cattle.

Naquasone For Horses

Prolonged use, indiscriminate use or high dosing of dexamethasone may produce side effects such as masking of signs of infection (suppression of inflammation, reduction of fever), retardation of convalescence, reduction of circulating lymphocytes, possible decrease in resistance to dexamethasone. Naquasone For Horses

bacterial and fungal infection.
Improper use and high dosages of trichloromethiazide over a long period of time may produce electrolyte depletion. In animals with severe renal impairment, the administration of diuretics such as trichloromethiazide is contraindicate. It is recommend that the veterinarian determine if there is edema-associated infection: if any, effective antimicrobial therapy should be use.


Trichloromethiazide……………….………………………………….……..10.0 mg

Dexamethasone (as acetate) ………………………………………..0.5 mg

Vehicle eq………………..…………………………………….………….. 1.0 ml

Injectable Naquasone combines the effective diuretic activity of Trichloromethiazide with the specific anti-inflammatory action of Dexamethasone, which completes the reduction of physiological edema of parturition, mammary gland and accessory structures in female bovine animals.


For the treatment of edema of the mammary glands during the pre- and post-partum period in dairy cows.

Contraindications for NAQUASONE  INJECTABLE:
Prolonged use, indiscriminate use or high dosing of dexamethasone may produce side effects such as masking of signs of infection (suppression of inflammation, reduction of fever), retardation of convalescence, reduction of circulating lymphocytes, possible decrease in resistance to dexamethasone. bacterial and fungal infection.
Improper use and high dosages of trichloromethiazide over a long period of time may produce electrolyte depletion. In animals with severe renal impairment, the administration of diuretics such as trichloromethiazide is contraindicate. It is recommended that the veterinarian determine if there is edema-associate infection: if any, effective antimicrobial therapy should be use. Naquasone For Horses


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